Copy of RidersClub Hub

Welcome to RidersClub.

By choosing to ride with us, you support our ability to keep doing what we love. RidersClub is one of the many ways we're honoring that choice and growing Thesis in alignment with our values, the interests of our riders and other stakeholders, and the change we wish to see in the world. It is also our way of thanking you for being a part of what we're building and for bringing your friends along for the ride. 

All Thesis riders are automatically eligible for RidersClub, including those who purchased their bike second-hand. And for those who already have a bike and still want to be part of our community, we offer other ways for you to participate and engage.

With gratitude,

- The Thesis Team


Join us in "THE RIDERSHIP"

We founded Thesis on a belief in the power of the bicycle as a "vehicle for connection", a tool for reuniting us with our bodies, our environments, our communities, and ultimately, ourselves.

The Ridership is the next phase of our vision to make these vehicles, and the transformative experiences they enable, accessible to all who feel called. Founded in partnership with The Gravel Ride Podcast, The Ridership is an online forum and resource hub that brings riders of all backgrounds and abilities together to connect and support each other along the ride.

The Ridership includes channels for:

  • Welcoming new members
  • Sharing routes, ride reports, & photos
  • Connecting with riders in your area
  • Coordinating COVID-safe rides & events
  • Discussing gear choices
  • Selling & trading
  • Getting bike fit & training advice
  • Other helpful resources for veterans & newbies alike

A community is only as strong as the participation and ethos of its members. We hope you and your riding friends will join us in making The Ridership itself an ever more generative vehicle for connection.

Join The Ridership


BringAFriend Referral Program

BringAFriend is our way of rewarding the community for helping us spread the word.

  • Bring a friend and you'll each get a $100 gift card for use toward parts, accessories, & apparel when you purchase your bikes.
  • If you already have a Thesis, introduce your friends to get both of you a $100 gift card.
  • If you don’t need a gift card, we’ll donate it in your honor to an organization that provides bicycles to children and adults who might otherwise not be able to afford them.

Simply drop us an note at with “BringAFriend” in the subject to introduce your friend and get started. 


SpreadLove Donation Program

Have a bike you no longer need? Donate it to a non-profit that provides bicycles to children and adults in need and we’ll reward your generosity with a $100 gift card when you purchase a bike. And if you’re fortunate enough not to need the gift card either, let us know and we’ll make a donation to that same non-profit in your honor.

Simply drop us a note at with “SpreadLove” in the subject and your donation receipt attached to get started.


15% Off Parts, Apparel, & Accessories

Whether you’re in need of service parts to keep your bike running smoothly, accessories to allow you to explore all its capabilities, or apparel to keep yourself rolling in comfort and style, as a Thesis rider you’ll get 15% off for as long as you own your bike.

We carry only what we personally use or can unreservedly recommend and offer you the same pricing we provide our family and friends, saving you the time and headache of trying to figure out what to get or where to get a better deal.

To access RidersClub pricing, simply use the email address associated with your bike order along with the code "RIDERSCLUB" at checkout and your discount will be automatically applied to all eligible items on orders over $100.


Theft Recovery Preregistration

We’ve partnered with 501(c)(3) non-profit Bike Index to preregister every bike we produce, increasing the likelihood that your bike will be recovered if stolen while simultaneously making it a less attractive target. And to honor your privacy, we first register them in our name and then invite you to claim yours once it has shipped.

Bike Index is a 503(c) non-profit founded by Thesis friend and rider Seth Herr. We’re honored to have him in our community and to be piloting this important program together.


InThisTogether Replacement Program

Whether it’s crash damage or theft, we’re here to get you back in the saddle as painlessly as possible. 

Some brands offer “free” crash replacement programs in an attempt to justify exorbitant pricing. Others offer “discounts” equivalent to their wholesale pricing, essentially profiting off riders’ misfortune.

We believe in a more transparent and collaborative approach, offering unbeatable pricing up-front and at-cost crash replacements should something go awry. Simply be transparent with us about what happened and we’ll get you what you need for what it costs us to get it to you.